Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I have been doing quite the Shitty job of keeping up with blogging and keeping an up-to-date account of my drawing/animation progress lately but I'm giving myself a responsibility pass on account of "A Lot of Shit going Down" (to state it class-fully). The rug has pretty much been pulled out from under us (Steve and I) but we're doing the best we can to keep our heads up and push forward in an optimistic mind state. I think we're doing pretty well all things considered... hopefully we'll pull out of this craziness one step ahead and with more spirit and knowledge than we started with. That all said, I learned a new way of approaching my character today(!!) Well actually I think I learned the approach prior to today but I put it into motion today(!!) Thanks ANdy..WooWHO!

So here are two of the designs from today...

They're not finished yet but I'm definitely Thrilled with the progress I feel I've made just in expressing my design ability... Even after a few months of using Photoshop I still don't feel as comfortable "sketching" with brushes as I did with paper and pencil. Using the techniques that I employed today felt much better to me simply because it is more structural and even abstract(!).. which is my middle name.
So I plan on adding a few more pieces I worked this week but for now.. I'm going to get back to Dinner.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Going with the Flow

So... It's been one crazy week.. been a crazy month on the whole actually. I've lost my laptop, had it returned, my boyfriend lost his job forcing us to "quickly" reorganize our lives (not completely finished) and we're now about to move in a matter of days into a smaller, much cheaper apartment. I've really had my eyes opened to a lot of amazing things about life I didn't really know. Oh yes... March 2011' has been quite the ride. I've been a little behind on the blogging and "updating" aspect of things but I feel it's understandable and allowed with how exhausted I've been. After we get situated into this new apartment and (fingers crossed) we find a stable income I'm really hoping things head toward the upswing. We've had pretty good luck this far now I just hope it keeps going for us. I want to post some good work on here soon too my files are kind of in disarray right now but I'll get them all collected and add some work soon. That's all for now. Here's hoping Karma treats me (and Steve) well!!
